damasco 25 (1951)
Poster 4foglio, first Italian release. Amazing poster created by Ballester for "Sirocco", a pretty lame movie trying to imitate the atmospheres of "Casablanca"
Author: Anselmo Ballester

Passion, Nostalgia, Art, Fetishism, Collecting Mania and History....in two words: Movie Posters. Those who really love cinema cannot fail to be fascinated by vintage movie posters, in which amazing artists succeeded in the not so easy task of fixing an emotion on paper. The following galleries serve as an example of this now vanished Art and, at the same time, provide an overview of my personal collection. In fact, I would like to proudly point out that every single poster on the site has been photographed by me and belongs to my collection. Enjoy!
Poster 4foglio, first Italian release. Amazing poster created by Ballester for "Sirocco", a pretty lame movie trying to imitate the atmospheres of "Casablanca"
Author: Anselmo Ballester
Poster 2foglio, first italian 1948 release, for "The Petrified Forest". Amazing visual and incredibly original idea by Martinati. Hands Down the best poster ever for this title.
Author: Luigi Martinati
Poster 4foglio, first Italian 1946 release for the movie "The Thief of Bagdad". One of the most famous and appreciated work by Ballester
Author: Anselmo Ballester
Wonderful, not signed, poster 4foglio, first Italian release, for "Satanico Pandemonium", one of the greatest Nunsploitation movie ever!
Poster 4foglio, first Italian release. On the most iconic Italian posters of the 70's horror. The best one of the "Lesbian Vampires" sub-genre., hands down.
Author: Renato Casaro
Poster 4foglio, first Italian 1948 release for "A Thousand and One Nights". Ballester's true masterpiece.
Author: Anselmo Ballester
Poster 1foglio , Italian release for "Arabian Nights"
Poster 1foglio ,first 1948 Italian release for "Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves"
Author: Giorgio Olivetti
Poster 1sh, first Italian 1946 release for the movie "That Night in Rio". Amazing Miranda's portrait by Geleng.
Author: Rinaldo Geleng
Poster 4foglio, Style B, first Italian release for the movie "Some Like It Hot"
Author: Giorgio Olivetti
Poster 2foglio, first Italian 1948 release. Martinati focuses the energy of the poster on the Hollywood's Most Beloved couple: Bogie-Bacall. Wonderful
Author: Luigi Martinati
Poster 1foglio, first Italian 1948 release, for the movie "Dead End". In Italy this movie was released after "Casablanca".
Author: Luigi Martinati
Poster 4foglio first Italian release for "Creature from the Black Lagoon" . Very rare!
Author: Aldo De Amicis
Manifesto 2fogli, prima edizione, con dedica personale di Terry Gilliam
Manifesto 4fogli, prima edizione, vero e proprio capolavoro firmato da un Simeoni super ispirato
Author: Sandro Simeoni
Poster 1foglio ,first 1948 Italian release for "The Oklahoma Kid"
Author: Luigi Martinati
Manifesto 4fogli, prima edizione. Il disegno mette in risalto i due protagonisti: John Wayne (il passato) e James Stewart (il futuro) di un film di svolta nella storia del Western
Author: Marcello Colizzi
Poster 2sh, first Italian release for "The Searchers"
Author: Luigi Martinati
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